Week 5 Reflection

Week 5 Blog: Hey there, have you ever heard about the 3 types of people in the world, those who are good at math, and those who aren’t? Just as bad as this opening joke was, it is just as terrible to believe in the idea that math is not for you. Something that really resonated with me in my math class was how important it is to have a growth mindset. Believing in yourself and making others believe that math is for them will destigmatize the mindsets around math. We are all mathematic geniuses; we just choose to not embrace it. What people often forget is how frequently we use math on a day to day basis; from calculating how much time you have to go get a coffee, to finding the correct size lid for your Tupperware. Some tips for an individual who is on the path of having a growth mindset would be; to embrace challenges, put forward your best effort, overcome obstacles, embrace outcomes even failures, learn from mistakes, and welcome critical ...